This is compilation of my deeepest thoughts, my shallowest thoughts, my life, and my enlightenment.


My alter ego is who I write for. But in real life I'd like to be a stay-at-home mom who likes an occasional glass of wine at a fancy cocktail party, and to cook for her family dressed as a 40's Stepford wife.

I'm a down-to-Earth girl. I believe in God but I'm more spiritual than religious. I pray, but not as often as I should, but when I do it usually involves a lot of tears and a lot of minutes thanking Him for all the blessings I've been given, are being given, and will be given.

2010 has been an age of self-discovery. I've learned things about me that I don't like but can change, and things that I love and will change for none.

I love art and have been able to express myself through art in ways I never have before.

Love is so important in my life, and so is passion and romance.

Drifting in the right direction...

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